
You can place an order online through this website or get in touch with us on WhatsApp When will my order arrive? Some of our items are made to order and take 3 to 4 weeks to ship out. Delivery takes a week or sometimes less. Ready to deliver items, are shipped immediately and reach you within a week.

Yes. If you change your mind about an order, you can notify us of your decision by email or WhatsApp using the subject heading ‘Cancellation’ within 5 days of order confirmation and supplying your order number and address.

Made to order and/or bespoke items are made specially as per your requirement

Yes. We offer you the opportunity for greater involvement in designing your own Jewellery through our customized Jewellery services. From the size, shape, cut, colour and setting, every customized design is exclusive to its creator. You can Submit your request via WhatsApp and our representatives will guide you to create something unique for your love one!

It takes 4-5 weeks to custom-make a jewelry after the design is confirmed. Design would take 1 – 2 weeks depending on the complexity of design, customer feedback on the design and availability and confirmation of gem stones. The making of the jewelry will only begin after design is confirmed.

Items once purchased may be exchanged within 5 days, within Pakistan. We cannot issue refunds as most items are handmade and made to order. Customizations in orders are considered final sale. The invoice and postage receipt for returning the package must be retained by you. The goods must be packed securely in the packaging that you received them in. We are not liable to exchange if the products are returned to us broken or damaged.

Mihrunnisa Jewellery places emphasis on bringing a diverse range of exclusive, unique and custom-made jewellery pieces to our loyal customers. With the vision and a strong belief that every customer that chooses us should develop a trust and long-term business relationship with us.  Now we are  growing our customer base online. 

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